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During our travels we have come across Monuments etc. dedicated to a number of early Explorers in Australia, and in other Countries. The following photos etc are a collection. 

The other countries include South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Mauritius, Mozambique, Philippines, Macau

Captain James Cook ..  ( earlier Lieutenant Cook )

James Cook's Monument at the town of 1770, Queensland, Australia.

He was one of the greatest Maritime Explorers and Cartographers in history.

Many of his maps are still used today, such are their accurate detail.

Cook died in Hawaii on 14th February 1779, aged 50 years, during the Third Voyage, when they turned back to there to make ship repairs. He was killed by the Natives.

The Photographs were taken in 2016, during our trip to North Queensland.

Captain Cook Memorial at 1770 August 201

Captain Charles Sturt

Captain Charles Sturt's "blaze" tree, 1845, Lake Pinaroo, in the Sturt NP, NSW, Australia .

This was from his third and final 1844 - 1845 Expedition from Adelaide, to find the centre of Australia and the mythical Inland Sea.

It was not found and he turned back from the Simpson Desert to Adelaide, after becoming too ill ( from Scurvy ) to continue.

These Photographs were taken in 2016, during our trip to the "outback"

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P1010767 Sturts Blaze 1845 Lake Pinaroo

Burke and Wills Expedition

The Expedition has gone down in History as one of the greatest , but most tragic, of the early Australian journeys of discovery.

The Photographs below were taken in 2016, during our trip to the "outback"

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Robert O'Hara Burke's monument, he died of starvation on the 23rd June ,1861, at Coopers Creek , South Australia.

He was leader of the tragic Burke and Wills Expedition which was to find an inland route from the South Coast of the Continent ( the Expedition started in Melbourne on 20th August 1860  ) , to the North Coast of the Continent.

Burke and Wills both died on the return leg, after successfully reaching the North Coast and returning as far South as Coopers Creek.


The expedition heading Northward across the Terrick Terrick Plain from Melbourne towards Swan Hill on 29th August 1860. They made their 10th encampment here.. a copy of a painting by Expedition artist Ludwig Becker. Burke is noted in the middle of the painting,  riding his white horse. Becker died of scurvy in 1861 at Bulloo River whilst on the journey Northward.

William John Will's Monument, he died of starvation on the 29th June ,1861, at Coopers Creek, , South Australia

Terrick Terrick Plain today near the site of Camp taken in 2018

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John King's Monument, he was rescued on the 15th September 1861 by a search party at Coopers Creek ,  South Australia.

He had been kept alive by Aborigines until his rescue, 3 months after Burke and Wills had both died of starvation nearby. He was taken back to Melbourne. He died in 1872

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Captain Matthew Flinders

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Flinders companion on his travels was a cat named "Trim".. which died in Mauritius during Flinders  6 year long detention there by the French Govt.,  on his return trip to England

These 2 Photographs were taken in 2014 during our trip to Mauritius

P1100015 Mathew Flinders Monument Sth Ea

Ferdinand Magellan

Magellan is credited with being the first to Circumnavigate the World ( 1519 - 1522 ), even though he was killed during the Expedition.

The Expedition was then led back to Spain by Juan Sebastian Elcano. 

Of the 270 men who left with the expedition, only 18 or 19 survivors returned. Only one ship, "The Victoria ", survived the journey, of the five that had originally left from Spain.

Magellan was actually a Portuguese, but led the Spanish Expedition.

These photographs below were taken in 2013, during our trip to Cebu


Magellan's Cross, Cebu, Philippines


Magellan's Memorial Plaque at the Mactan Island location, Cebu Philippines, where he was killed by locals under the leadership of Lapu - Lapu

Statue of Lapu- Lapu, Mactan Island, Cebu, Philippines

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A Pictorial of Lapu- Lapu and his men fighting off Magellan and his men, Mactan Island, Cebu, Philippines

Diogo Cao ( also known as Diego Cam ) 

The photographs at Cape Cross were taken in 2014 , during our trip to Namibia

The words are thus;

In the year 6685 after the creation of the world and 1485 after the birth of Christ, the brilliant, far-sighted King John II of Portugal ordered Diogo Cão, knight of his court, to discover this land and to erect this padrão here

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A depiction of the original Padrao being erected at Cape Cross. The original Cross was removed and taken to Berlin in 1893.

A simple wooden cross was put in its place. The wooden cross was replaced two years later by a stone replica.

At the end of the 20th century, thanks to private donations, another cross, more similar to the original one, was erected at Cape Cross, and thus there are now two crosses there.

diego-cao-erecting-padrao at cape-cross.

Bartholomew Dias

Photographs ( 2 ) below were taken in 2014, during our trip to South Africa.

The monument is to this Portuguese Maritime Explorer who passed this way in 1488...and discovered the Cape of Good Hope.

It serves as a marker/navigational aide, for shipping rounding the Cape of Good Hope.

A replica of Diaz's Padrao he erected in 1488 at Bushmen's River South Africa, dedicated to St Gregory . It is located in Mozambique, and the photo was taken in 2019 while we were visiting the old Maputo Fort.

Vasco Da Gama

The photograph below was taken in 2014 , during our trip to South Africa.

The Monument is to this Portuguese Maritime Explorer who passed by the nearby Cape Of Good Hope in 1497 on his successful voyage from Europe to India.. the first voyage ever undertaken by a European.

It still is used as a marker/ navigational aide for vessels rounding the Cape of Good Hope, and is located near to the Dias Cross.

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These two Photographs were taken in Maputo Mozambique, during our trip to Mozambique in 2019. A depiction of Da Gama arriving in Mozambique , located in the Old Maputo Fort complex, the other, a Leadlight window located in the Municipal Building,  showing a Portuguese ship 


Macau is rich in Portuguese History and buildings...including ancient Churches.

The photographs here were taken in 2011 during our visit to Macua.   

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A tiled display of the Colony of Macau, showing Portuguese ships

A model of a Portuguese Caravel at the very excellent Maritime Museum in Macau.

It is built on the very spot Portuguese Explorers landed on Macau in 1553 

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P1010684 Macau Cross 1638, near Saint An
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St Anthony's Church and the adjacent cross dated 1638. 

There are many beautiful old churches in Macau.

David Livingstone 

The following photographs were taken during our trip to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe , in 2014.

Livingstone, a Scotsman,  discovered the falls in 1855, and named them "Victoria" after the ruling British Monarch.

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P1070182 David Livingstone's Monument, V


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