Portfolio - Papua New Guinea

Bulolo to Aseki- main road

Aseki Village , Smoked bodies

Snake River, Mapos

Old Bulolo Gold Dredge ( c 1932 ) - and local bodyguard

Japanese WW2 "Helen" Bomber, Madang

Lae War Cemetery

Ramu to Madang Road ( Jephcott Highway )
about 2004


Mudmen, Asaro Village, Goroka

Sepik River, Lady divers collecting mussels and shellfish. Our tour leader told them there was a big crocodile nearby.. they just laughed, and continue diving.

Zumin Village, Markham Valley

Police, Ramu Valley circa 2007
Sing Sing group, Umi ,
Markham Valley

WW2 Ordnance , Ramu Valley
near Shaggy Ridge

"Leron" Cattle Station, Markham Valley

Haus Meri, "Rose"

Australian Grain Ship discharging
sorghum at Lae Port

Flour and Stockfeed Mills, Lae.. where I was Site Manager
Hiri Moale Festival -Dancer, Port Moresby

Past Wau town
USAF B17 Bomber, near Wau,
Shot down in WW2 by Japanese
Air Force fighters

Salamaua, Huon Gulf
Madang Sunset

Orchids, Madang

Flood Damage from March 2015, Ramu to Madang Highway

Aus Aid section of Ramu to Madang Highway,
Mountain section

Blyth's ( Papuan) Hornbill

Peaceful Dove's Nest in a WW2 Browning M2 , 50 Calibre Aircraft machine gun,
War Memorial Park,
Papuan Harrier,
Ramu Valley

Eclectus Parrot ( female),
Jais Aben,
Fork Tailed Kites,
Ramu River,
Ramu Valley

WW2 War Remembrance Monument,
I was happily heavily involved in getting
this monument constructed in 2010
Engan women
Goroka Show 2015

Western Highland men
dancers, Goroka Show 2015
Simbari EHP women dancers ,
Goroka Show 2015

WW2 Fuel Drop Tanks from US Army Airforce planes , Gusap
WW 2 Japanese Sniper's Rifle , Kaiapit